12 Years Of Innocent Music | FRIVOLOUS 🇨🇦 Live + KRIK🇺🇦 & ANEY F.🇸🇮
This party is in the past
Klub K4, Kersnikova ulica 4
Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 23:00 - 06:00
22 Junija v Slovenijo prihajata Frivolous in Kirik, Innocent Music pa praznuje svojih 12 let obstoja na elektronsko glasbeni sceni! Na šestem in zadnjem Innocent Music večeru nove sezone v Klubu K4, bo glavni gost slovenski publiki že dobro znan kanadčan Frivolous, ki se bo predstavil z ekskluzivnim Oldies Goldies Live setom, po katerem je sam tudi zaslovel, pridružil se mu še ukrajinec Kirik, ki je trenutno eden najbolj vročih minimal producentov, ki pa bo v ljubljanski kleti nastopil prvič! Za klasičen zaključek bo v prepoznavnem stilu poskrbel Aney F., plesišče pa bo ogrel mladi up Soniks! Vabljeni še na eno nedolžno glasbeno popotovanje! Vstopnice so že v prodaji! Se vidimo! Lineup ♫ FRIVOLOUS 🇨🇦 - Live! - Classics Set KIRIK 🇺🇦 soundcloud.com/kirillkirik open.spotify.com/..ut2J5sz6PPKL99qF2 ANEY F. open.spotify.com/..8GZ810KTkCPnvxhWG soundcloud.com/aneyf SONIKS soundcloud.com/soniksdj/tracks open.spotify.com/..640x4ESBnpx7xtTwZ ___________________________ LOCATION: KLUB K4 Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana📍 DATE: 22 June 2024 (Saturday) FB: Innocent Music & K4 IG: innocent_music_ & klub_k4 OMEJITEV / AGE LIMIT 🔞 VSTOPNINA / ENTRANCE FEE 💰 Predprodaja: Early Bird 🎫 14€ (till May 24 or Sold Out) Regular 1 🎫 16€ (till June 7 or Sold Out) Regular 2 🎫 18€ (till June 21 or Sold Out) Na dan dogodka 🎫 20€ Online 🎫 olaii.com/event/..-kirik-and-aney-f Offline 🎫 Trafika 3DVA & OMV/MOL bencinski servisi INFO: info@innocentmusic.si & info@klub-k4.si ABOUT 🇨🇦 FRIVOLOUS 🎩 From the wilds of British Columbia to the beating heart of Berlin and back again, Daniel Gardner’s journey through music has been all his own. To call his style idiosyncratic would be a disservice, for his is a sound that feeds off the world outside his studio as much as it comes from within. Through his formative years discovering music in a remote location detached from the ebb and flow of cultural movements, Frivolous took shape as a distinct proposition inspired by the European minimal explosion but defined by bold strokes of playful ingenuity, both in his sound sources and the way in which he deployed them. This first came to light on Andy Vaz’s celebrated Background imprint; a label as concerned with funk and imagination as it was with glitchy production ethics. Likewise appearances on Karloff and Proptronix gave the perfect platform for Frivolous to indulge in his love of irreverent sampling and heart-wrenching melodies, as dizzying arrangements of found sounds and dusty rips filtered fed into a tonic that was equal parts humor and emotion., not to mention eminently danceable. As his confidence grew and steady European bookings gave him the chance to focus ever more on his craft, Frivolous’ own voice started to creep into the tracks, while his home-made instruments became a key talking point in a scene that was becoming riddled with characterless laptop botherers. Out of this phase of his career came the Midnight Black Indulgence LP on ~scape, an album steeped in warm tones and oddball pop while still rooted to the fundamentals of house. The stylistic progression from here to 2011’s Meteorology was a smooth one, even as the graduation to Luciano’s techno empire Cadenza marked a serious ramp up in exposure and time on the road for the boy from BC. In a swell of widespread acclaim Frivolous took his live show far and wide for a good two years, living something of a vagabond existence while based around various parts of Europe. After that rollercoaster, a decade spent in his native BC provided the necessary decompression before returning once more to Europe in 2022. Now having completed an MA in Music, Daniel Gardner aka Frivolous is once again calling Berlin home as a stream of fresh material on the institutional German Compost-label reflects a new perspective both musical and experiential. While there may be no clues as to what comes next, the notion is reinforced that he will always do things his own way, and the results will always sound unmistakably like Frivolous. ABOUT 🇺🇦 KIRIK 🎩 Kirik, the last 10 years educating his ear and refining his approach to production, after years of experience and profound evolution finds his personal style. His sound is constantly progressing and always strives to satisfy the crowd, spacing from deep to tech, with powerful grooves! After releasing a few pieces of vinyl at friend labels, In 2015, he decided to create his own vinyl record label, Memory Remains, so that could share his vision of music through this artistic platform. Almost every vinyl Memory Remains gets reviews and makes it to Mixmagadria vinyl of the week. Since the beginning of 2019, Kirik began to devote a lot of time to digital content. This is how the Kirik and Alia Palant project appeared, at the beginning of 2020, they started cooperation with an experiment, and the first track "I Lose My Control" immediately burst into the hearts of listeners around the world, within a year they released 7 tracks and shot a video for one of the compositions. Summer of 2021 they began to actively tour major festivals in Ukraine (White Night, AREA33, Wave Spot Pink Lake) and around Europe. They performed on the same stage with renowned artists. (Artbat, WhoMadeWho, DOP, Salome Le Chat, Birds Of Mind, Monolink, and others ) In 2022, Kirik releases its first big collab with Franky Razardo - called "Diamond", That's how the diamond got into the top 100 deep house chat and stayed in the chat for more than 2 months. After such success, the single Kirik - Town House with a remix by Tuccillo was released on the label @frankyrizardo LTF Records @ltfrecords In one of his radio shows, Franky called Kirill one of his favorite producers, after which he invited Kirill to perform on his show "Listen to Flow" @listen-to-flow at the ADE in Amsterdam. By the way, it was Kirill's debut at ADE and in Amsterdam at Lovelee Club. Kirill was so impressed that he released a house EP on his label Memory Remains and named one of the tracks "Lovelee". Also, he released a solo EP on the label Ball Park (Okain owner), called "Love Scene", and the track "Up Up" is still in the top 100 Minimal / Deep Tech. So, many collaborations and releases with cool producers are planned for 2024, and Kirik is also working on a big album. ABOUT 🇸🇮 ANEY F. 🎩 Slovenian Aney F. continues his rise as one of the leading talents coming from South Eastern Europe with his signature soundscape spanning across tech house and minimal / deep tech that earned him the accolade as one of the Top 50 best selling minimal artists of All Time on Beatport. Known for releasing music on leading labels including Saved, Deeperfect, Moan, AVTR, Whoyostro alongside his own renowned Innocent Music label which became one of Beatports Top 10 best selling labels within the Minimal genre. Aney’s music receives support from some of the biggest name in electronic music including Jamie Jones, Marco Carola, Joseph Capriati, Seth Troxler, Steve Lawler, James Zabiela, Nic Fanciulli, Hot Since 82, Pawsa, Stefano Noferini and so many more championing his productions. Having already performed in over 25 countries across Europe to South, Central & North America, the Middle East all the way down to Australia. The Slovenian DJ/Producer is continuing to light up dancefloors around the world one by one!