AFERA • Krissønik, Maja Panini, Lavka
This party is in the past
KUD Channel Zero, Metelkova ulica 4
Friday, September 6, at 23:00
✨𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐀✨ — nova klubska serija dogodkov prihaja 6. septembra v Channel Zero! Pripravite se na edinstvene sete, ki črpajo navdih iz ikoničnih synth zvokov 80. in 90. let. Maja Panini, Krissønik in Den7el bodo poskrbeli, da se bo preteklost povezala s sedanjostjo v dinamični mešanici Itala Disca/Italo Body Music-a, Indie Dance-a, Synth-Popa, House-a, Dark Disca in EBM-a. 💥 Izkusi AFERO in se nam pridruži v dolgi noči. ⚡️ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄-𝐔𝐏 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✰ KRISSØNIK ✰ Nov v ljubljanski klubski sceni in ustanovitelj AFERE, prinaša edinstven pridih v svoje sete. Hobi, ki je prerasel v strast, je postal gonilna sila za novo, svežo, klubsko serijo dogodkov. Njegovi seti, močno navdihnjeni z zvoki 80-ih, ponujajo dinamično mešanico Itala, Synth-Popa, Indie Dance-a, Wave-a in Dark Disca. Kot tehtnica po horoskopu se Krissønik spretno poigrava z različnimi stili, kar obljublja nepozaben set, kjerkoli nastopa. SC: soundcloud.com/krissonik IG: instagram.com/_krissonik_ ✰ MAJA PANINI ✰ Maja je odraščala blizu italijanske meje, obkrožena s sončnim vremenom in okusno italijansko hrano, ki je navdihnila njeno umetniško ime in stil. Svojo pot je začela s House glasbo, a je kmalu ugotovila, da so žanri le etikete in da ji je najbolj pomemben občutek, ki ga glasba vzbuja. Zanjo je didžejanje priložnost, da zbere ljudi skupaj, jim postreže odličen "meni" in jih napolni z energijo. S svojimi igrivimi seti je na različna plesišča privabila ljubitelje glasbe na mnogih dogodkih, med drugim v klubih K4 in Gala Hala v Sloveniji ter festivalu Flows na Hrvaškem. SC: soundcloud.com/majakomel-779818657 IG: instagram.com/majapanini ✰ DEN7EL ✰ Just A Dance, Synthwave, Italo and more. YT (Butik Festival set): youtu.be/NQdv-h7A..=l3qfpQOwR-0em2oM IG: instagram.com/den7el 🪐 VJ: BEAM TEAM 🎶 MUSIC POLICY: Italo Disco, Synth-Pop, House, Indie Dance, Dark Disco, EBM ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 𝐕𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐀 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💵 8€ pred 24h 💵 10€ po 24h 🤍 FOLLOW US 🤍 IG: instagram.com/aferanight FB: facebook.com/aferanight ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ Introducing ✨𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐀✨ — a new clubbing series hitting the dance floor on 6th of September at Channel Zero! AFERA promises a cool blend of danceable tunes, drawing inspiration from the iconic synth-filled sounds of the 80s and 90s. All the way from Italo Disco/Italo Body Music and Indie Dance, to the unique vocals of Synth-Pop tunes, with a touch of House, and extending to the darker tones of Dark Disco and EBM. 💥 Join us for the first time and experience non-stop energy and fun. ⚡️ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄-𝐔𝐏 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✰ KRISSØNIK ✰ New to the clubbing scene, Krissønik, the founder of AFERA, brings a unique touch to his sets. What started as a simple hobby has grown into a deep passion for him, now dedicated to making AFERA nights a regular happening. Influenced by the sounds of the 80s, his sets feature a blend of Italo, Synth-Pop, Indie Dance, Wave, and Dark Disco tracks. With a knack for merging styles, he creates a cool atmosphere wherever he plays. SC: soundcloud.com/krissonik IG: instagram.com/_krissonik_ ✰ MAJA PANINI ✰ Maja grew up in Slovenia near the Italian border, surrounded by sunny weather and delicious Italian food which inspired her artist name and style. She began her journey with house music, but soon realized that genres were just labels, and that what matters to her is the flavor, the feeling that music evokes. For her, DJing is an opportunity to gather people together, serve them a great “menu” and leave them feeling nourished and energized. With her playful sets she made people dance at various events, including K4 and Gala Hala clubs in Slovenia and Flows festival in Croatia. SC: soundcloud.com/majakomel-779818657 IG: instagram.com/majapanini ✰ DEN7EL ✰ Just A Dance, Synthwave, Italo and more. YT (Butik Festival set): youtu.be/NQdv-h7A..=l3qfpQOwR-0em2oM IG: instagram.com/den7el 🪐 VJ: BEAM TEAM 🎶 MUSIC POLICY: Italo Disco, Synth-Pop, House, Indie Dance, Dark Disco, EBM ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐘 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💵 8€ before 24h 💵 10€ after 24h 🤍 FOLLOW US 🤍 IG: instagram.com/aferanight FB: facebook.com/aferanight