Bignose 'Ghetto Trunk' presents: Big Dope P, Bakto, Moska, SunnySun
This party is in the past
KUD Channel Zero, Metelkova ulica 4
Friday, May 31, 2024 at 23:00 - 05:00
Pariško-londonska založba Moveltraxx že od nastanka leta 2007 spretno plasira podtalne Juke/Footwork bangerje, Jersey/Baltimore himne, Ghetto House pokalice, skratka Bass pizdarije na splošno. Na impresivnem in raznolikem katalogu so povezali scene Chicaga, Pariza, Londona, Bruslja, New Jerseya…in s tem postali ena relevantnejših globalnih platform za omenjene žanre. Za odposlanca tokrat prihaja stari znanec Big Dope E, eden od soustanoviteljev zgoraj omenjene založbe, dolgoletni ambasador bass/ghetto muzike, ki pravkar izdaja novi album TOTO LA CASTAGNE. Obisk toplo priporočen. ____________________ Operating since 2007, Moveltraxx has been building bridges between scenes we love around the world working with OG’s as well as with new artists to create a wide spectrum of music we wanna hear. Their catalog includes music from DJ Rashad, Kaytranada, Big Dope P, DJ Tamil, Todd Terry, Feadz, DJ Earl, Fred Falke, Sinjin Hawke, TT The Artist, Mighty Mark, Ezekiel, DJ Manny and many more. Big Dope P is one of the co-founders of Moveltraxx and has an impressive repertoire of releases, performances and work he did to push the scene forward since his 16th year of age. We are delighted to host him in Ljubljana’s Channel Zero on 31st of May, right after the release of his new album titled ‘Toto La Castagne’. DJ support for the evening will be Ghetto Trunk crew (Bakto, Moska, SunnySun). Vstopnina/Entry: 10eur pred 00.00 12eur po 00.00 VJ rastLAB: instagram.com/rastr_lab Design: Petar Percic: dribbble.com/PetarPercic bigdopep.bandcamp..-toto-la-castagne soundcloud.com/doppie instagram.com/bigdopep/ instagram.com/ghettotrunk/ Powered by: planta.si