Bon Jovi - New Yersey Tribute Band
This party is in the past
Jezerska promenada, Grajska cesta
Wednesday, December 27, at 20:00
V sredo, 27.12. ob 20.00 uri vabljeni na koncert Bon Jovi - New Yersey Tribute band v okviru blejske Zimske pravljice 2023/2024. Program blejske Zimske pravljice se bo odvijal med 1. decembrom 2023 in 14. januarjem 2024, rdeča nit letošnjega dogajanja pa bo romantična podoba Bleda, ki jo bo popestrila čarobna dekoracija, in pestro dogajanje. Vstop prost. 😁 ***** On Wednesday, 27.12. at 20.00 you are invited to a concert by New Yersey Tribute band as part of the Bled Winter Fairytale 2023/2024. The programme of the Bled Winter Fairy Tale will take place between 1 December 2023 and 14 January 2024, with the romantic image of Bled, enlivened by magical decorations and a variety of events, being the main theme of this year's event. Free entry. 😁 ***** Organizator: Javni zavod Turizem Bled Ljubljanska cesta 27, 4260 Bled T.: +386 (0)4 5780 500 E.: info@visitbled.si W.: bled.si/