Echo0003 w/ AUCO & Gomila
This party is in the past
Klub Gromka, Masarykova cesta 24
Friday, June 7, at 23:00
SLO [ENG below]: Tretja edicija Echo0000 se bo zgodila sedmega junija v klubu Gromka! Serija predvidenih petih dogodkov v 2024 se bo osredotočala na obujanje ritmov bass žanra - značilnega za obdboje devetdesetih na britanskem otoku - ki po Evropski alternativni sceni odmeva že več kot tri desetletja, ter na zbliževanje slovenske klubske subkulture s podobnimi iniciativami po balkanu. V tokratni ediciji gostimo AUCO - berlinskega DJa_ko in producenta_ko in soustanoviteljico založbe in serije dogodkov Infinite Quest, katere_ga signature slog vključuje interesantno kombiniranje najrazličnejših žanrov elektronske bass glasbe, med drugimi deconstructed club, gqom, jersey club, jungle, garage in ragga. Na odru se mu_ji bodo premierno pridružili tudi snfkdjf, Dapaliyo in Vlahek - predstavniki kolektiva Gomila iz Novega Sada, za domačo podporo pa bo poskrbela Sahara Transport Services. Karte v predprodaji med 27.5. In 6.6. - linktr.ee/echo0000 - preko promotorjev, sitri.wtf in v Big Nose trgovini lahko serialko podprete z zgodnjim nakupom karte in/ali supporter mercha. 💌 ____________________ LINEUP: 👾AUCO [DE, Infinite Quest] soundcloud.com/auco23 👾snfkdjf [RS, Gomila] soundcloud.com/user-746139396 👾Dapaliyo [RS, Gomila] soundcloud.com/badbitch1312 👾Vlahek [RS, Gomila] soundcloud.com/markoifilip 👾Sahara Transport Services [SI] soundcloud.com/..transportservices ENTRY FEE: 10€ Presale @ Big Nose shop & via promotors 12€ At the door Music Policy: Bass, Jungle, Footwork, Techno, Deconstructed Club, Garage, Gqom Friday, 7.6.2024 @ Klub Gromka 23-05 Promotor: instagram.com/____echo0000____ Contact: echo0000echo0000echo0000@gmail.com Powered by: Big Nose Ent., Club Mate Slovenija, Dobra Vila Pizzeria, Isa's Kombucha, Radio Študent, Sitri.wtf, Snail Papers, Redoljub. ____________________ ENG: The third edition of Echo0000 will take place on June 7th in Klub Gromka! The series of five events planned for 2024 will focus on reviving the rhythms of the bass genre - a staple of the 90s UK scene - which has been echoing in the European alternative scene for more than three decades, and on bringing Slovenian club subculture closer to similar initiatives in the Balkans. This edition we welcome AUCO - Berlin-based DJ and producer and co-founder of the Infinite Quest label and event series, whose signature style includes an interesting mix of various genres of electronic bass music, including deconstructed club, gqom, jersey club, jungle, garage and ragga. Joining them on stage premierely will be snfkdjf, Dapaliyo and Vlahek - members of the Novi Sad collective Gomila, and Sahara Transport Services providing local support. Tickets on pre-sale between 27.5. and 6.6. - linktr.ee/echo0000 - through promoters, sitri.wtf and in the Big Nose shop you can support the series by buying a ticket and/or supporter merch early. 💌