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NEBO Show Restaurant, Tomšičeva ulica 2
petek, 30. avgust 2024 ob 21:00 - 03:00
Vstopi v svet, kjer se svetloba srečuje s senco, kjer se zvoki povežejo v melodijo, ki te popelje v globine tvojega bistva. Pridruži se nam na potovanju skozi ritem in čustva, ki jih bosta prepletla mojstra elektronike - Mindtone in pa LIVE ACT, ki naj zenkrat ostane zavit v tančico skrivnosti. MINDTONE Mindtone, formerly known as UNSYN, Ljubljana's electronic powerhouse duo, consists of talents Lun Jemeršić and Tim Fermišek. Representing the ethos "Enter the unknown, dare to explore", they're known for their hypnotic deep techno beats and an unmatched energy that has reshaped Slovenia's melodic techno landscape. Founders of the acclaimed brand "ECLYPSE", and having released their debut single "Reborn" on Enormous, Mindtone is the unseen force pioneering melodic Rezervacija mize & info: 051368736 neboshowrestaurant@gmail.com NEBO Show Restaurant Tomšičeva ulica 2, Ljubljana vhod: zunanje dvigalo s Slovenske ceste nebo.show/