Basolovka Presents Benny Page (UK)
Ta dogodek je že mimo
Cvetličarna, Kranjceva ulica 20
petek, 22. marec ob 22:30
(ENG) The moment we have all been waiting for, is here! For our next big show at club Cvetličarna, we called artists from the UK and all the way down from Greece, so it will really be an international event! Of course many artists from all over Slovenia will be joining us as well. Benny Page (UK) will touch down in Ljubljana after a long time, and this time he is coming with MC Sye! The reinforcements are coming from Greece, because FLeCK made such a great impression at the last Basolovka Show that we had to invite him again. This special Show will start with live reggae performance of brand new JahMoodOnJe Collective, who are just releasing their first album on vinyl. This team is gathered from all regions of Slovenia, from Cerkno comes Greg Even, from Celje Haris Pilton, from Ljubljana Jaccuzzy Krall, from Ajdovščina Buda (Elvis Jackson frontman), from Maribor Tadiman (Siti Hlapci frontman) and Mate BRO, and they also have two singers Stenlisha and Lea Cok. Show will go on with live Jungle Jazz Fusion performance, where Igor Leonardi will bring his musicians to the big stage with Live Drum & Bass music. Lovro Bone, Jošt Lampret and Lara Grbić will be playing just before FLeCK starts his DJ set. After Benny Page & MC Sye will rock the Cvetrličarna stage and show us how they do it in the UK, our special event will be full of good vibes until 5am, with LionShine taking over in his Basolovka style and Peree coming straight from Austria with her ever brilliant selection. Music policy Drum & Bass, Jungle, Reggae Bass is our case! (SLO) Napočil je čas, ki smo ga že vsi (pre)dolgo čakali! V Slovenijo končno po zelo dolgem času prihaja Benny Page (UK), ki ga bo tokrat na mikrofonu spremljal MC Sye (UK). Benny Page je eden ključnih igralcev Drum & Bass scene v Angliji in ga ne vidimo pogosto v tem delu Evrope, zato je tole unikatna priložnost da ga lahko ujamete v živo. Poklicali smo tudi okrepitve iz Grčije, saj nas je nazadnje več kot pozitivno presenetil FLeCK in bo sedaj pogosto sodeloval z nami kot redni gost. Velika posebnost tega dogodka so nedvomno tudi JahMoodonje Collective, ki sestavljajo člane vseh koncev Slovenije in sicer Greg Even, Haris Pilton, Buda, Mate Bro, Tadiman, Stenlisha, Lea Cok in pa seveda Jacuzzy Krall. Za to obsežno reggae zasedbo bo nastopil band Jungle Jazz Fusion , kar bo seveda pomenilo igranje Drum&Bass glasbe v živo. Tokratna zasedba Igorja Leonardija bo Lovro Bone, Jošt Lampret in pevka Lara Grbić. Za Benny Page-om bo seveda poskrbljeno za klasično Basolovkino zabavo do zgodnje jutranje pete ure. Najprej bo za kontrolo prijel LionShine, za konec pa bo poskrbela Peree, ki za to priložnost prihaja naravnost iz Avstrije. Nastopajoči: Benny Page (UK) & MC Sye (UK) FLeCK (GR) JahMoodOnJe Collective Jungle Jazz Fusion LionShine Peree.