Boiler Room
Ta dogodek je že mimo
Štuk, Gosposvetska cesta 83
sobota, 24. februar ob 22:00
❗️❗️ATTENTION RAVERS❗️❗️ EN⬇️ Dobrodošli v svetu neustavljive energije in ritma! Pripravite se na nepozabno izkušnjo, saj organiziramo letos najbolj vroč techno boiler room dogodek v Mariboru! Zavrzite vsakdanje skrbi in se nam pridružite v ekskluzivnem prostoru, kjer se prepleta tehno glasba in edinstvena atmosfera⛓️⛓️ Naša obljuba? Nepozabna noč, napolnjena z vibracijami, ki jih boste čutili še dolgo po tem, ko se bodo zvoki umirili. Pridružite se skupnosti glasbenih navdušencev, kjer meje med umetnostjo, glasbo in človekom izginjajo. Maribor, you are not ready😉 LINE UP (A-Z): ▫️ALEN F youtu.be/36DjywT3..=6jKIJM6XSXtpwbA6 ▫️ANDREA FOX m.soundcloud.com/andreafoxdj ▫️DJ DEJV instagram.com/davidcesnjaj ▫️FABRIZIO & LUIGI youtu.be/CB4ZC_zpuDc ▫️MOMENTUM youtu.be/tLnTIFKaG8w ▫️NATE’S SHOOTA youtu.be/tLnTIFKaG8w ▫️RASKY on.soundcloud.com/NRoHurGGskLY4yYUA ▫️ROSANA RABUZA on.soundcloud.com/RBVwTtbWocpNunY58 2. STAGES👀; 🔺Main stage (Techno)- Boiler room 🔺2nd floor (House) PRODAJA KART; Dostop do nakupa kart preko splet: roterdamc.eu/izde..nica-boiler-room/ in v kavarni Štuk. VSTOPNINA: 9,90€ (PRESALE) [SOLD OUT] 11,90€ (Regular) [SOLD OUT] 14,90€ (Na dan dogodka) DRESS CODE: All black, with a little red❤️🖤 ČAS IN LOKACIJA Kje: Štuk, Gosposvetska cesta 83, 2000 Maribor Kdaj : SOBOTA, 24. Februar 2024, ob 22:00 EN ❗️❗️ATTENTION RAVERS❗️❗️ Welcome to the world of unstoppable energy and rhythm! Get ready for an unforgettable experience as we are organizing this year's hottest techno boiler room event in Maribor! Leave your everyday worries behind and join us in an exclusive space where techno music and a unique atmosphere come together⛓️⛓️ Our promise? A night to remember, filled with vibrations that you'll feel long after the sounds have subsided. Join a community of music enthusiasts where the boundaries between art, music, and humanity vanish. Maribor, you are not ready😉 LINE UP (A-Z): ▫️ALEN F ▫️ANDREA FOX ▫️DJ DEJV ▫️FABRIZIO & LUIGI ▫️MOMENTUM ▫️NATE’S SHOOTA ▫️RASKY ▫️ROSANA RABUZA STAGES👀: 🔺Main stage (Techno)- Boiler room 🔺2nd floor (House) TICKET SALE: Access to ticket: roterdamc.eu/izde..nica-boiler-room/ and at Café Štuk. TICKET PRICES: 9.90€ (PRESALE) [SOLD OUT] 11.90€ (Regular) 14.90€ (On the day of the event) DRESS CODE: All black, with a little red❤️🖤