Dirty Skunks Stage
Ta dogodek je že mimo
Orto Bar, Grablovičeva ulica 1
petek, 23. februar ob 19:00
Friday, 23. 2., 19:00 @ Orto bar Dirty Skunks are one of the most productive concert promoters in the region. They have consistently organized concerts for more than 20 years, meaning more than 1000 shows in various clubs, venues and other facilities. Their preferred meal consists of metal, hardcore, stoner, rock and other alternative genres, without limits to local or international, big or small acts. Črt Batagelj and Matej Ahlin are parents to this extreme skunk machine, which was recently joined by young producer Žan Debelak along with a crew of busy lil skunks. Dirty Skunks are also organizers and owners of a brand new metal festival – Tolminator, based in Tolmin, Slovenia. LINEUP: Agabas (NO) open.spotify.com/..Mb10UAkoO5z75RzOU Hei’An (SI) open.spotify.com/..siHd63N6g8TXds665 Hexis (DK) open.spotify.com/..xnafhPiBIM07ZlXHA Kamra (SI) open.spotify.com/..UiaVQPPMbiD0jK2E6 The Devil’s Trade (HU) open.spotify.com/..FjRFt7LTPgAtp42sb ment.si/en/dirty-skunks 🔴 FESTIVAL & DAILY TICKETS: ment.si/en/tickets There will be a limited amount of tickets only for Dirty Skunks Stage (Orto bar) available at the door (15€). 🔴 MENT PLAYLIST: linktr.ee/ment_playlists 🔴 WHOLE LINE-UP: ment.si/en/urnik MENT Ljubljana I 21.-24. 2. 2024 ____SI Dirty Skunks oder @ MENT 2024 Petek, 23. 2., 19:00 @ Orto bar Ekipa Dirty Skunks je eden najproduktivnejših organizatorjev koncertov v regiji. Koncerte redno organizirajo že več kot 20 let, kar pomeni več kot 1000 produkcij v različnih klubih, dvoranah in drugih objektih. Najraje imajo metal, hardcore, stoner, rock in druge alternativne zvrsti, brez omejitev na lokalne ali mednarodne, velike ali male izvajalce. Črt Batagelj in Matej Ahlin sta očeta tega ekstremnega skunkovskega stroja, ki se mu je pred kratkim pridružil mladi producent Žan Debelak skupaj z ekipo zavzetih malih skunkov. Dirty Skunks so tudi ustanovitelji in organizatorji povsem novega metalskega festivala Tolminator, ki se odvija v Tolminu. NASTOPAJOČI: Agabas (NO) open.spotify.com/..Mb10UAkoO5z75RzOU Hei’An (SI) open.spotify.com/..siHd63N6g8TXds665 Hexis (DK) open.spotify.com/..xnafhPiBIM07ZlXHA Kamra (SI) open.spotify.com/..UiaVQPPMbiD0jK2E6 The Devil’s Trade (HU) open.spotify.com/..FjRFt7LTPgAtp42sb ment.si/dirty-skunks