Dynasty || w/ EXIX
Ta dogodek je že mimo
Publika Bar Klub, Vilharjeva cesta 11
sobota, 23. december ob 23:00
🗓️ 23.12.2023 📍 @publika_barklub @exixkr is a techno artist from Berlin who originally comes from Istanbul, where he played a pivotal role in developing the city’s underground music landscape by inspiring many young artists along the way. After moving to Germany a few years ago, he started to produce his own music and made a name for himself as a music producer, releasing a series of tracks that stuck covering a wide range of techno genres. When it comes to DJing, EXIX’s dynamic and uncompromising mixes reflect his boundless love for dancing and endless raves, delivering hard-hitting kicks, dreamy pads, groovy percussions, all served up at a fast pace. In addition to his music career, EXIX is a PhD candidate and a machine learning researcher who specializes in computational chemistry. Despite the seemingly disparate fields, he sees a deep connection between his scientific pursuits and his artistic vision, drawing inspiration from both worlds. Line up IG: @exixkr (3h set) IG: @19_kmn_98 Rope IG: @nejcarhar Karte lahko kupite na spletni strani Olaii, Omw, Trafika3dva in pa seveda pri naših promotorjih. Event policies - 18+ - NO PHOTO - DRESS ALL BLACK - NO GHB - NO VIOLENCE - NO DISCRIMINATION Artwork: IG: @19_kmn_98